Everyone knows one of the easiest ways to save money on a purchase is to use a coupon. Clip it from the weekly circular or get handed one by a promoter and present it at checkout. Coupon Codes work the same as paper coupons, but many people think they're exclusive. Even though everyone doesn't receive a coupon code, most codes can be SHARED with everyone. If only there was a forum where people could exchange them... Enter RetailMeNot.com.
If you shop online, chances are you've noticed a small text box on or about the payment confirmation screen prompting you to enter a "coupon code," "promo code," or the like. Guess what? If you look in the right places, 9 times out of 10 you'll find a code. A regular websearch might return results, but success rates can disappoint since codes expire quickly. That's where RetailMeNot shines.
RetailMeNot lets you search a specific store and shows you with nearly every available coupon code for that store. Even better, a success rating for each code (as voted by users) is posted by each listing so you don't waste time trying bad codes. If you're looking to save money locally, there's even a "printable coupons" section for savings in your area.
Remember RetailMeNot every time you go through online checkout. If you use FireFox, simplify things by adding the RetailMeNot FireFox Extension to your browser.
RetailMeNot [website]
RetailMeNot FireFox Extension
[via Softpedia]
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