Are you stuck in a 2-year cell phone agreement and desperately want to switch carriers? Cell carriers can charge astronomically high Early Termination Fees (some $200+) if you try to "get out" early, so what can you do?
Well you have a few options:
- Get out FAST. If you've been with the provider less than 30 days, you can probably get out without penalty. Check the fine print in your contract.
- Roam Excessively. Deliberately use your phone out of network (set your phone to roam) and use "Night and Weekends" minutes out-of-network. Apparently this can cause your cell provider to rack up a huge bill on your behalf and inspire them to cut you loose.
- Look for contract changes. If your provider makes a change to your contract (you should get a note in the mail), there's usually fine print stating that you may abandon your contract without a fee.
- Complain! Though unlikely, you may be able to get out of your contract if your service is truly awful and you complain about it often, and in a detail-oriented fashion.
- Swap your plan. Find someone who wants to start a plan with your provider and transfer liability for your contract to them. The incentive for them is that they'll get a *free* phone without being bound to a full 2-year contract term.
How to get out of your cellphone contract for free
[Howcast via Lifehacker]
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